Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank You

Thank you
For making the trip
For buying the food
For putting up with the lack of space
For helping to cook
For making her night
Thank you
For keeping the peace
For giving the medicine
For playing with him
For being the Nana
Thank you
For watching the parade
For complimenting the food
For doing the dishes
For taking everyone out
Thank you
For being patient
For being understanding
For putting up with us
Thank you
For the pig & the rock
For the pants
For the Bear & new blanky
For the pictures with that racist Santa Claus
Thank you
For always being there, even when you're not
For understanding that we make our own paths
For knowing that this one is better than the last
For caring enough to know
Thank you
For putting up with all of it
For never turning your back
For all the hugs and kisses
For always providing
For giving birth
Thank you
For being my mom.

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